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Ni-Cd Standard Batteries
Ni-Cd Fast Charge Batteries
Ni-Cd High Temperature Batteries
Ni-MH Batteries
Contract Printed Circuit Board & Unit Assemblies


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Company History 

American Toppower is a subsidiary of Toppower Electronic Industry Group (TEIG), which is a leading manufacturer of electronic products in China.

Toppower manufactures Rechargeable Batteries, Transformers, Car Audio Systems, Printed Circuit Board Assemblies, and other consumer & industrial electronic products. Most of our 17 manufacturing plants are ISO 9001 or 9002 certified. In addition to our standard products, Toppower also manufactures customer designed or specifically designed to meet customers's individual needs Battery Packs, Transformers, Printed Circuit Board Assemblies, Harnesses and the complete Unit Assemblies.

Toppower works hard to offer better products, competitive prices and
satisfying service for all our customers.


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